Aqualution® is the global leader in the science, production and application of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and the leading hypochlorous acid supplier throughout the UK, Europe and beyond. Our hypochlorous acid spray, products and private label solutions provide complete infection control and a reduction in cross-contamination effectively, in a range of environments.
in stable hypochlorous acid
of bacteria in seconds
and non-irritating on skin
Hypochlorous Acid - private label and integrated solutions across a range of applications
Hypochlorous acid is one of the most effective known biocides. This weak acid with the chemical name HClO or HOCl is the same chemical produced by the mammalian immune system to kill invasive organisms and fight infection. Hypochlorous is a gentle but powerful biocide which represents a monumental step forward in healthcare, hygiene and skin care.
Our Branded Products
Aqualution® manufactures private label hypochlorous products for a range of global brands but we also have our own branded products for different environments including surface disinfection, pet care and skin care.
Salvesan hypochlorous acid has been formulated using Aqualution® technology to meet the demands of environmental cleaning in the most challenging healthcare environments, workplaces and other facilities and premises.
Our surface sprays, refill drums and our mist products for fogging disinfectant and odour elimination are available via our global distributors. Please get in touch or see the list of our distributors here.
Solosan is the professional’s choice for complete infection control of animals, farms and veterinary practices. Available as a bottled product for small requirements or produced on-site and on-demand, Solosan® hypochlorous acid technology is able to meet the most demanding requirements of enhanced animal welfare and care.
Agripure™ hypochlorous acid is a revolutionary product in the processing of fresh food and for the care and treatment of crops. Our on-site, on-demand technology can be applied in bespoke ways to suit any produce and significantly improve efficiency and reduce costs and no detriment to the environment. Alternatively, Agripure bottled products are also available for disinfecting fruit and vegetables with no rinse necessary.

Aqualution is the global leader in the science, production and application of hypochlorous. With our ground-breaking technology, we’re the only company to manufacture stable packaged hypochlorous (HOCl) that remains stable once the the bottle is opened and have quickly become the leading hypochlorous acid supplier in the UK, Europe and across the world.
Our biocides, cosmetic products and medical devices have been tested in independent UK laboratories and leading academic and commercial research facilities. We are fully compliant with the rigorous European Biocide Regulations (EU 528/2012) and own the approved active substance dossiers.
We manufacture products for brands in the UK, throughout Europe, the Middle East and North America as well as providing our own branded products for distribution.
Aqualution has been working with NHS Lanarkshire on the exciting clinical and infection control benefits that the hypochlorous acid molecule offers for some time, with considerable success.

The Aqualution team is made up of individuals with a wealth of experience, including British scientists with pharmaceutical backgrounds and a strong focus on R&D and application to help you develop the right system or product for your specific brand, environment or challenge.
For more information on hypochlorous, our science, the industries that we serve, our manufacturing capability or our products please get in touch.

We are stringent in keeping our certification up to date and our proud to have been certified halal friendly.
Please get in touch for more information on our BS EN certification.

Aqualution, the leading hypochlorous acid supplier: UK BPR Active Substance Dossiers
As of 29th June 2021, in compliance with the specified timescale, Aqualution Systems Ltd has filed its UK BPR Active Substance Dossiers with the HSE and are therefore a legal manufacturer and supplier of hypochlorous acid for the UK market. All companies who have an existing Letter Of Access with us are also able to continue to sell their products in the UK as their existing LoA remains valid for UK BPR purposes.
If you are not an existing LOA holder and wish to place Hypochlorous Acid products on the UK market, please contact us and we would be happy to explain the process and costs to enable your products to be compliant and support you through the process.